
I have not posted updates in a while, having been inundated with holidays, sick children (all three children were in school for a grand total of eight days in March), and travel. But I am still working away! The sequel to Pledging Season is still under construction. I took a break from it during much of the chaos to work on an unrelated graphic novel script that is yummy and fun and involves fancy dresses, an homage to Song of the Lioness, nonviolent revolution, and shredding heteronormativity into little-bitty sticky bits. As one does. It has been a blast, and it was exactly what my brain could handle for much of the spring. Production timelines for illustrating graphic novels are very, very long, so don’t expect to see that any time soon, but I am still cranking away over here! I’m hoping to have Pledging Season’s sequel out in 2025, but that is more of a wish than a prediction.

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